Winegard HD7698P vs Antennacraft Y10-7-13 and PR 9032
This comparison focuses on the combined VHF/UHF reception of the Winegard HD7698P,
versus comparative standalone VFH and UHF antennas.
The HD7698P is a relatively new antenna covering both the Hi-VHF channels
(7-13) as well as the UHF band. I chose the Y10-7-13 to compare its VHF
sensitivity to because the Y10-7-13 is just about as good as you can get for
multipath prone fringe reception, without blowing big $$$ and/or importing.
I chose the PR9032 to compare UHF sensitivity to because after comparing the
PR9032 to the 91XG intuition told me the HD7698P's performance would most likely
match the 9032. Turned out to be the case.
Channels 7, 9, 13:
(sorry about that frequency drift)
Channels 15, 20, and 24:
Channels 24, 30, and 33:
Channel 26:
Channels 44 and 47:
Channels 47, 49, 51, and 55:
For VHF, the Y10-7-13 seems to have slightly better bandwidth; maybe 2 dB better gain at the lowest and highest channels 7 and 13. For UHF
the HD7698P and PR9032 are almost identical.
If you need both VHF and UHF in a single antenna, the HD7698P is about
the best you can do. But if you need to optimize, then go with a separate
Antenna Craft Y10-7-13 for VHF and an Antennas Direct 91XG or Channel Master
CM-4228 for UHF, and use a VHF/UHF combiner such as the Tru-Spec Model UVSJ . (Don't use a full range splitter/combiner!)